CAAVEIRO Jose(九州大学 大学院薬学研究院)
植田 正(九州大学 大学院薬学研究院) PRポイント
Nanodiscs are a superior model system to stabilize membrane proteins, facilitating interaction analysis of targets of clinical and pharmacological interest. 連携(追加)支援
Coordination withタンパク質X線結晶解析 and タンパク質クライオ電子顕微鏡構造解析支援 within Kyushu University is expected.
Daron M. Standley(大阪大学 微生物病研究所)
朴 昭映(大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター) PRポイント
The Standley group specializes in structural bioinformatics. We have expertise in the development and application of methods for modeling large protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid complexes, with particular emphasis on immune-related molecules. We also specialize in the use of machine learning to analyze BCR and TCR repertoires. 連携(追加)支援
Recently, we have supplemented the personnel for experimental support. Beyond in silico analysis and molecular modeling, we design and synthesize functional molecules to develop specific biomarkers and therapeutics.